For 60 years, we have been committed to finding safer, more innovative, and effective solutions for the cleaning and hygiene of professional environments. Our formulations are the result of constant research and careful listening to your needs. Collaboration with our partners is the most important ingredient.
Our professional cleaning systems are completely made in Italy with high-quality raw materials. The entire supply chain is 100% Italian: from conception to production, every single process is in-house to guarantee you maximum control and safety.
We want to guarantee you extraordinary products that make your work easier while still respecting the planet.
We are committed to anticipating your needs and providing you with the most specialised and innovative solutions before you even ask for them. In our research laboratories, we experiment and invest in innovation to create formulas that have the future already embedded in them.
Anyone who chooses our products chooses a world of care and attention. We build a relationship of trust with each customer based on active listening and problem solving. We support you with training courses, consultancy, personalised services, and technical and sales assistance.
Every year we devote more than 1200 hours to training. Our courses are dedicated to our customers’ employees, agents, collaborators, and partners. Upon completion of each course, we issue a certificate of attendance for each participant, and provide them with product sheets and a sanitization plan for the relevant environments.
We offer you technical assistance on the products and delivery systems we supply (proposal, installation, testing, verification), both before and after the sale. We support you with dedicated commercial and communication solutions. We provide logistic support and ensure flexible distribution options.
We support you in quality control: we monitor, check and draft regular reports on compliance with procedures and targets. We take care of cost control by providing you with a preventive analysis of the costs involved for the correct evaluation of tender projects. We assist you in drawing up activity-specific protocols.
Whatever the operational requirement, Sistema Detergenza offers each professional cleaning sector the highest performing solution. The excellence of the formulas, the specialisation of the products, and their wide range guarantee maximum effectiveness, high-quality results, and a competitive advantage in terms of cost in use.
Hygiene System complies with the most restrictive indications of the Ministry of Health and WHO for sanitation and disinfection. Our solutions are designed to guarantee maximum protection for people, to sanitize environments and equipment in every field of application: HO.RE.CA, large-scale retail, food and cosmetics industry, public and private communities.
Sistema Ambiente is the right choice for sustainable cleaning. Ecolabel, Cam e Concentrati Giusta Dose use sustainable and renewable raw materials, have fully recyclable packaging, and can reduce the release of plastic into the environment by up to 80%.