Brilla Vetri & Cristalli

Brilla Vetri & Cristalli

Scented glass and crystal cleaner.

Professional scented detergent specific for glass, mirrors, doors, crystalware and surfaces in crystal, porcelain and laminate. Its special quick-drying formula with degreasing effect leaves surfaces clean and shiny, without smudges.

€ 2,42

Box of 500 Ml

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Why use

  • Enhances shine.
  • Does not leave halos.
  • Quick action.


Vetri splendenti in poco tempo
Formula anti aloni

More information

Box of 500 Ml

SKU: CMA 05388

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Where to use

How to use


  • Not necessary.


  • Dispense the product directly on the surfaces to be cleaned and wipe with a dry microfibre or suede cloth. Two / three sprays are sufficient for perfect cleaning.


  • Not necessary.


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